Search The Moore Family

Monday, September 1, 2008

Do you remember those commercials (I think they were for Carl's Jr.) where there's a guy standing in the bread aisle at a grocery store. The aisle is HUGE and the guy is standing there like a deer in the headlights because there are just too many choices. The commercial says something like "without us, some guys would starve to death." Their point being too many choices muddles those, well, easily muddled.

I find myself feeling the same way when confronted with too many options. I have just decided to leave and not buy what I was looking for a time or two. Deodorant is one of those things that just fries my brain. Why must there be seventeen styles of Secret? And which one did I buy last time...I liked that one but don't remember. Solid? Semi-solid? Invisible? And was it "Shower Fresh" or "Clean Scent" and, really, what is the difference? Why can't I remember to take the empty container with me so I can just compare? My life would be just that much easier.

But this is not the point of my post. I promise. And I also promise that I do eventually break down and buy deodorant. I swear I wear deodorant. ;o)

My van is doing a funny thing where it doesn't go into reverse but instead locks up the steering & breaks and then slowly starts to go forward. This really freaks me out when I'm trying to back out of my driveway. I wonder how much our home insurance would go up if I ran through the garage door?

So I have been casually looking at hybrid cars. There are too many and not enough at the same time. I cannot even decide on a maker, much less a style. And what I want isn't in hybrid just yet. Actually, I don't even know just what I want. Another van would be great but we really and truly don't need all that space. I'd love a Subaru but they don't have hybrids. So we'd probably get a Ford Escape (I think that's what it is) or a Toyota Highlander. The Highlander rocks but is waaaaaay expensive; like I could buy a new Volvo for the same price. Mike is kinda anti-Ford though so I don't know if an Escape is a viable option for him.

See? There are too many options. Too many questions. Too many...I don't know. I would love for someone to drive up into my driveway with a new hybrid and say "gimme the keys to the van, here's your new car" because then I wouldn't have to decide.

I get on the web and start to surf for hybrids and about twenty minutes later I just give up. If there was just one choice I would have made up my mind already. ;o)

For now I will continue staring at the hybrid stats much like the guy stared at the bread and will wait for someone to just come save me.

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