Search The Moore Family

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Each morning, Sully and I head out to the cul-de-sac a block
over so that he can practice on his new bike.
Today, we were just a little bit distracted
by dirt!

Then the throwing of dirt clods began...
(Notice his adorable cowboy jacket. A birthday gift

from his Aunt Lisa.)

...and it wasn't long before Sully's cute little Levis were
covered with dust.
(I would guess that his pants were dirty approximately
4.3 seconds after I put them on him....)

Look! His feet are on the pedals!
Mostly he still does the Flintstone-thing
but today he spent much more time trying
to use the pedals. Yay!

I tried to capture a photo of Sully running away from me,
mad as hell that I wouldn't let him ram his bike into
a very nice car parked in the cul-de-sac...
...but he was running too fast and all I
could catch was a little brown blur.

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