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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Blackberries & Boo-boos

Today Sully and I headed out for a walk at Minto Brown again...but we were soon distracted by the incredible abundance of blackberries! I noticed the smell of berries first, as we walked by, and when I finally looked at the bushes I just could not believe how many berries there were.

We stopped walking (after about 30 minutes) and started picking. I drank my coffee, rinsed the cup, and filled that up, then started filling up a baseball hat. I let Sullivan out of the stroller, thinking he'd play in the dirt or something. Nope. He started picking berries. Rather than helping me fill up the hat, however, he started filling up his mouth as fast as he could shove them in! So cute. I was very nervous that he would get scratched up but he did okay. Just some shallow scratches on his shins.

After he ate about thirty pounds of blackberries he started to run off and act like a nut. Possibly a sugar high from all that fruit? He had kicked his shoes off (of course he did) so I called him back; when he started to run to me he fell, hard, and received a big scrape on his knee and bloodied his toe. Poor baby.

So tonight we shall have blackberries for dessert. I also have a container ready to take to a little boy in our neighborhood whom I happen to know loveslovesloves blackberries.

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