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Sunday, April 18, 2010


Keats is on the same team as last fall, Liverpool, but their jerseys are now green and Keaton is #4. He has played three soccer games already this season, but yesterday was the first game I attended. The boys are so much better than six months ago! There are three of the same boys (from last fall) on Keaton's team (Leo, Reid, and Keats) and one little boy, Zanden, that we know outside of soccer. The other two new guys (Matthew and Grayson) are really great little players!

Aunt Debbie, Uncle Vince, Papa, and Tari also came to watch the game. It was a very mild morning which made it nice to watch the game. Usually it is miserably hot, miserably cold, or miserably wet. I think Keaton's team won yesterday but no one really keeps score. The winner & loser aspect is not something that is promoted in his league, at least not for his age group. I think all the boys made at least one goal yesterday. :o)

Notice how long his hair is!

Photo Play

Not a new photo of Keats, but I made it glow with more vibrant colors.

Above is a close-up of an airplane part.

The floor of playground equipment at the school.
(Yes, I know I'm a nerd to take pics of it!)
The flowers above were what Keats dubbed something like Kool-Aid Flowers last summer.


The one above is from tennis last week but the shot below is from last summer.

Dandilion above and curly just-unfurling fern below.

These pics are old(ish)...from the beginning of the school year. I looked like an idiot, I'm sure, taking close-up shots of my neighbors' weeds and spiderwebs!

Drips above, from the tennis court.

I'm not sure how old this shot is-- I don't think it is very old, though, unless you count that I made it look like an antique!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

RaNDom iPhoNE PicS (mOst oF WhiCH You'Ve aLReAdy SeEN)

Above is the message I found on the dry erase board in my room upon returning home from work one night.
A very good preview of my future as it will be with a house full of hormone-crazed boys. And I do include their daddy in that description.

Keats, tired of waiting for the soccer game to start! Luckily, we have to show up at 0800 for photos this Saturday, with the game following at 0830. Not fun to get up & out that early but at least we won't have to listen to "how much longer" allll day long.
Actually, what this means is the "how long until next Saturday" queries will start at approximately 10 a.m. this Saturday.

The boys and their toys. Even Sully can work an iTouch without any trouble. The only thing he ever asks me for help with is when he wants the volume changed.

Sully just being cute one morning. I showed him how I flip my hands up & around and make a "mask" over my eyes....and here he was trying it himself.
I mostly think there is nothing cuter than a two-year-old boy (all stompy and messy and full of cuteness) but age three is gaining speed on that belief.

Technology Boy

Anti-technology Mama. This is my mini-teepee that I built for the sugar snap peas you see growing at the base of the sticks. And my green thumb, of course!

I spent a couple of hours at a park with the boys the other night. I picked Keats up early from his after-school program and had Sully and a bunch of fun stuff packed up to hang out for a while. We played tennis (or not, in Sully's case) and rode scooters and played on the playground. The most fun, however, were the bubbles! Thanks Easter Bunny (bok-bok!)

Keats looks like he gets into the running position quite naturally....which is good since I've signed him up for a kids' 3K on May 1st. (Sully, too!)

Bubble Chaser

Um. Above pic. Can you say MIKE MOORE JR?? Holy smokes he looks like young pics of his daddy!!!!

Playing "King of the Mountain" and using their empty bubble wands as light sabers.

((gets his manners from his daddy))
I took these two shots of Sully while he was lying on top of me. He is soooo snuggly sometimes. On this particular occasion, he was saying to me "Wets snuggew, Mommy" over and over. Then he'd follow with "I lub you!" He's learned to do the ILY hand gesture so he adds that a lot, too. He also blows me a gazillion kisses before bed or when I'm leaving the house. He's a little mommy-centric since I've begun working night shift (fine with me!!)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tennis And A Shot Of Soccer

We took tennis raquets to soccer practice tonight. While Keats practiced soccer, we practiced tennis. I took a gazillion pics of Sully because, obviously, he's so damn cute!!

Caption for above pic could be "I so totally own this court, bitches."

Sully and Daddy have their game faces on in the above shot.

And Sully just has his cute-as-hell face on for these two shots!

I just love the look on his face here. Funny.


Daddy gives out some pointers...

...but three-year-olds aren't known for their ability to stick with a sport. Or with anything, really...

...they tend to goof off a bit...

...but they are really cute so Daddies try again...

...but a toddler will be a toddler, no matter what Daddy tries!
(Side note: can you believe how freaking skinny he is these days? He's turning into a real, live kid!!)

Cute little "trying not to smile" look.

The winner! Best shot of the night.

Pouting...but peeking out to see if I'm watching. I am. So is my camera.

Sully & I decided to take a break from tennis and check out the woods. Here, we found a great big "cave" in the bottom of this tree.

I challenge you to a duel!

Uh, Mom? There's not really anything living in here, is there???

And one shot of soccer practice. Keats had just fallen a couple of times and played some serious hard plays...his expression shows he is exhausted but having a blast!