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Saturday, December 13, 2008

Keaton's Birthday Bash

We celebrated Keaton's fifth birthday today, three days early. The party was at the NW Kids Club and was very fun. Plus, Mom didn't have to clean up! ;o) Some friends didn't show up but Keats didn't seem to mind; he was in birthday-boy euphoria! For gifts, he received several Transformers, some Batman figurines, a color board, books, a rock n' roll t-shirt (that he is wearing right now, btw) and Transformer walkie-talkies. Mommy & Daddy gave him a new Transformer bike. Lucky boy, huh?!
We had pizza after the kids played at the playground for a while.

This is the special chair for the birthday boy to sit in while opening presents.
The bike was saved for last and was snuck in to surprise Keats.
The fancy birthday cake. I gave the Cake Lady (don't know what they are called) "creative freedom" to fill up the empty spaces of the cake since the Transformer applique was so small. She did a fantastic job! It looked like Optimus Prime was on some distant planet. ;o)
He was red-faced while we sang Happy Birthday.

1 comment:

Marilyn said...

What a fun party! The cake is really cool. And the bike--WOW!!!!