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Monday, November 3, 2008

When I went to bed last night, there were two of these blue chairs sitting on either side of the chest. When I came downstairs this morning, there were two chairs sitting on either side of the chest.
"Where," you may ask "is the other chair?"

Oh yes. Now I see. Across the room, on top of a rug, next to the sliding glass door. Now why didn't I think of that?
Yeah...Sullivan isn't very much into the Feng Shui way of decorating. He's more into putting things exactly in the way.

And his redecorating drives me batty. A good thing about hardwood floors is that spills are easy to clean up; a bad thing about hardwood floors is that furniture is very easy for a two-year-old to push around.

Random cheesy smile from Keats today.

Okay, Stacey, this time he really is giving me the "L is for Loser" sign. Lol.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

He's a clever guy, that Sully! When I saw the chair by the door I thought, "Oh no, he used it to reach the handle and escape." Glad to hear no police were involved.