Geez...nothing interesting to write about lately. No cute pics to share, either.
Today is Keaton's last day at his current preschool. He is very excited because he received an Iron Man figurine for surviving five shots the other day; he couldn't wait to show Iron Man to his school friends. I, however, barely survived the doctor visit and should have received either a large dose of sedative or a large shot of tequila afterword. What a stressful event!
He starts Brush College Elementary School's "Ready for kindergarten" class on December 1st. He will attend on M-W-F for about 2-1/2 hours a day. Keaton has his second karate class tonight. I sure hope he enjoys the class. Karate would work wonders for his confidence and concentration abilities. Today, we bought Keaton a Transformer bike for his birthday. I cannot wait to see how excited he is for that! His old bike is much too tiny for him...he looks like an adult trying to ride a tricycle or something like that. He will probably be a much better bike rider with his new bike. Keaton is obsessed with the human body so he will receive lots of that sort of thing for Christmas.
Sully is, well, he is two. Favorite words are "No!" and "Mine!" He is still off the binky except for sleeping and is doing great with that. I think he talks more and has more of an attitude since we took away his binky during waking hours. ;o) I've decided to call it the "testing twos" rather than terrible twos. He's far from terrible...he just tests every nerve I have as well as testing things such as how much pressure he can apply to the kittens before they yowl at him, how high he can climb into the fridge, how high he can climb anywhere...that is the sort of testing he does.
Sullivan easily recognizes the letters o, p, s, b, w, x, k, y, f, c, and i. He also says the entire alphabet. He is absolutely, completely, and totally obsessed with the alphabet! Santa is going to bring him lots of alphabet-related toys and books, that's for sure. He still counts to ten but has gone up to fifteen, with help. He started saying "Debbie" and "Phoebe" very clearly; he even says "uh" before saying Debbie and I think the "uh" is for "aunt". He also clearly states things such as "I see an O" or "This is an O". Oh, and he will not leave his clothes on about 80% of the time. Good thing he has a cute little naked butt!
I've nearly completed all my Christmas shopping, at least for the boys. Costco has so many great toys and books right now that I figured I should buy them before they sold out. I have never been this far into Christmas shopping this early in the year. I'm very happy to be this organized! A rare event for me, for sure.
That is life in a nutshell. It seems as though we are always busy, yet do the same thing over and over. Like living in the movie Groundhog Day. ;o) But I'm not complaining...
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