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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Disovery Meadows Park

We took the boys to Discovery Meadows Park in McMinnville this morning.

We tried the same trip just after Sullivan was born and ended up, after driving 40 minutes to get there, leaving after less than ten minutes of play time. Why? Keaton threw the biggest fit he has ever thrown! Should have known, since I think Sully was three weeks old, that everything would be too much for Keats.

So....attempt #2 to play at the coolest park on the planet. Right after we stepped out of the car, Keaton started obsessing on wanting to change to swim trunks so he could play in the water fountain. No big deal it would seem but it was this incessant canIcanIcanIcanI that drove Mike & I nuts immediately. Mike looked at me and said they should rename the park "Devil's Playground"; he may be right.

I headed to the car to get the swim trunks and when I return Mike is desperately trying to put shoes on a determined-to-be-shoeless Sullivan. I learned that in the two minutes it took me to go to the car Sullivan A) was hit in the left eye by a very fast-spinning toy and B) Sullivan got a HUGE piece of wood stuck into the bottom of his foot since he was shoeless.


So Mike puts Sully in a swing and I tend to the bloody foot, amidst Sullivan screaming bloody murder. He didn't exactly allow me to fix his foot & put on his Crocs but I did manage to get 'er done. ;o) By the end, Sully was smiling and ran towards the water fountain.

We finally got both boys in their trunks and they decided to have a fun time. Yay!

The slides are amazing...they are covered like a water slide and they do one-to-three complete turnarounds each. Sullivan and I went down one of them about ten times in very quick succession, with both of us laughing all-the-while.

Keaton had fun playing with the sand-scoopers. There is a huge sand hill that is made of something like ground-up shoe soles and covered by sand...makes it very tricky to climb. Keaton was so frustrated climbing that mountain, yelling about how much he hates it, that we had to tell him that this particular mountain was off-limits. He did end up getting to the top, almost completely by himself, but he was still too frustrated by the slippery aspect.

Sully loved the slides most but he also made sure to closely inspect every other little piece of play equipment, of which this park has many. There are cups that spin, various things that twirl in one way or another, mini-teeter-totters, trains, great water feature...just anything you can imagine.

I'm glad the play time ended with everyone relatively happy. This way we get to say "Hey, let's go to that really cool park in McMinnville today" rather than "We HATE the Devil's Playgound!!!" Lol.

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