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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Keaton had a great time at his preschool Valentine's party. When I walked into the room to pick him up, he was sitting at a table eating a HUGE cookie...and there was a second cookie on the plate waiting for him to eat it! I suggested we save that one for Sullivan. Luckily Keaton bought the idea because he was already on sugar overload...

The little guy who made this yellow Valentine is so very cute, as is his Valentine. It was a heart that was folded in half & taped, with the inside filled with a standard Valentine and some candy.
After undoing the tape, this is what the card folded open to reveal. What a cute idea!

The bag Keaton made to hold his Valentine's loot.

I love the card one of his teachers made. Mrs. Banick isn't even his regular teacher but she made all the kids such cute Valentines! I think she is actually a volunteer in the class.

Keaton is obviously pleased with all his Valentines and candy!

This is the Darth Vader mug that Keaton bought for Mike for Valentine's Day. Mike used it for his morning coffee today and Keaton got such a kick out of "Daddy drinking Darth Vader's brain!" ;o)

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