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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

It Is 106 Degrees At 7 P.M. Here....

Keats is getting so brave in the water! He'll "dive" in and put his whole head under, no plugging his nose or anything. He is practicing holding his head underwater longer & longer each time. We've spent many hours in the pool the past few days and his progress is amazing. I think its time to get him back into lessons.

They have soooo much fun playing together now. It is wonderful to watch!

Great shot of the toothless gap!

Little poser.

So funny how he just rests on his hands like this. Does it all the time.

I was taking pics of Keats going under water and I hear Sully say, "Okay, cheese, Mommy" and this was the pose he was in. Lol.



Marilyn said...

So cute! I can't believe it is that hot where you are. The pool in the backyard is a very good idea.
We are hot here but more like 90 degrees.

Stacey said...

Keats has a nice tan! Although it's certainly light...I'm sure you slater him with sunscreen. Love Sully's poses.