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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Soccer Dude

Keats had his first soccer practice today. He has been so excited for this day to come! For the past two weeks he has been asking "How many days until soccer?" serveral times each day. Late last night he told me that 10:45 Saturday "is going to take FOREVER to get here."

Luckily it didn't actually take forever. The weather was fine for playing soccer. We thought it might rain but we lucked out. Sully and I sat on the sidelines; me taking pictures and Sullivan trying to escape onto the soccer field or using the orange cones as a bullhorn (picture illustrations to follow.)

I ended up taking Sully to play at the playground about halfway through the practice because he was too distracting to Keats & Daddy-o. After practice Keaton told me he had a great time and really really liked playing soccer. :o)

Gymboree has a new soccer line so I bought the boys a shirt to get them in the spirit.

First time officially putting on the soccer cleats.
Listening intently to his coach.
They played "Red Light, Yellow Light, Green Light" to get the kids used to listening to the coach. Every now and then she threw in a "Get Down!" and the kids responded by doing some serious dance moves.

I'm not sure if all the kids were doing their best but Keats was in the top two for speed as far as running goes.

The Ball.

Learning about "the sweet spot" on his shoe.
Interesting use of a cone...and then he tried to get me in on the action...

1 comment:

mojoprice said...

Looks like both boys had a BLAST!! Wyatt is excited for soccer this fall. Wish they had a spring league. Guess we could look into indoor. Can't wait to see more pics!!