These first two shots are just of Sullivan Patrick being very cute. I heard him get into the fridge but then couldn't find him for a minute. I looked into this corner and there he was, he'd climbed up into a booster chair and took a couple of strawberries he'd nabbed from the fridge. He was just very quietly sitting there munching on his snack. Notice his boots are on backwards. ;o)
But I digress...
Sullivan LOVES his new skates! His first thirty seconds on them scared me, because I thought I was never going to be able to do anything, ever again, except hold him up while he "skated". Two minutes into it he was able to move around the room no problem. He did fall, a bunch, but no injuries because he was protected pretty much everywhere on his body.
Which brings me to another digression...I think I've figured out why childhood obesity is on the rise. It's all the damn protective gear. Really. For Sully to skate I had to adjust his skates and make sure the strap wasn't cutting into his feet, hold his wiggliness still while I slapped on left knee, right knee, left elbow, and right elbow pads, and the velcro is a complete pain and kept sticking to itself. Then I had to wrestle him into his helmet. He thinks I'm going to tickle him so he pushes his chin into his chest; the problem is that I need to buckle it under his chin. So we do a funny little dance to the music of "Come On Sullivan! I Am NOT Going To Tickle You!" and finally get the damn helmet on. It takes a good seven minutes to apply all the gear. I am sweaty and not-very-enthusiastic at the end of it...imagine how that is for a kid. I bet they just decide NOT to go through all the hassle and stay inside to play video games and eat chips, thus leading to obesity. Just an idea.
Anyway, Keats came home from school to find that Sullivan had new skates. I had nothing for Keats because he got new skates last year, so I was afraid he would be jealous. But he wasn't! He was actually thrilled that he had someone to skate with. So they messed around a bit inside the house (poured rain alllll day yesterday) and had a great time together.
Keaton doesn't let Sully play with his "official" soccer ball as he doesn't want it to get's for soccer practice, don't you know. So I also bought Sullivan his own soccer ball, just to stop the fighting. Keats was also very excited about the ball and they actually played together, each throwing the balls around upstairs. Fun stuff.
Sully looks so cute in all his skating gear (even if it is a pain to put on). With us in Utah, the pain with little kids was putting on all their snow gear to play outside and having them back inside five minutes later because they were too cold.
I'm impressed a his coordination!
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