Search The Moore Family

Thursday, August 20, 2009


A few days ago, I took a couple of new trails (near our home) with a friend. I discovered that there were many, many blackberries just waiting to be picked (by me!). Today, Sully and I made the journey. He had so much fun! He gets so into the hunt for berries and he isn't at all afraid to help pick his share of the fruit. Twice he was snagged by a stickery-branch and both times his reaction was perfect: he stopped immediately and said "Help, Mommy!" and waited while I untangled him. No trauma, no drama. :o)

Two of Sullivan's favorite things: blackberries & wishes to blow!

He started to blow this wish...

...then he said, "No! I not blow. I'm a lion--ROAR." Lol

Oh, the places his mean old mom makes him go! Actually, he didn't even once ask to be carried. What a trooper!

Sunshine on fresh berries...and a yummy sucker to boot!

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