He spends his life living in some fantasy superhero existence. All roads lead to Spiderman in Keaton's world! He has superhero underwear and fully informs everyone he sees just exactly
whom is on his butt that day. Lol. He changes his name every few weeks. Usually he is Peter Parker or, lately, Megatron. Once he changed his name to "Knight." ;o) He also loves Legos, Bionicles, and his Magnadoodle.
He is learning so much in school. His teacher says he is definitely ready for kindergarten but we'll wait until the 2009-2010 school year; no point in making him grow up any faster than he already is!! He can write the whole alphabet and can spell lots of names & objects from memory, knows how to read quite a few words, and can count to one hundred; he can even count by fives & tens! He blows my mind with the big words he throws out now & then. The other day he told me his shadow was "humongous" and, when he had an itchy ear, he thought perhaps there were "chemicals" inside that were causing the itch.
He is learning so much in school. His teacher says he is definitely ready for kindergarten but we'll wait until the 2009-2010 school year; no point in making him grow up any faster than he already is!! He can write the whole alphabet and can spell lots of names & objects from memory, knows how to read quite a few words, and can count to one hundred; he can even count by fives & tens! He blows my mind with the big words he throws out now & then. The other day he told me his shadow was "humongous" and, when he had an itchy ear, he thought perhaps there were "chemicals" inside that were causing the itch.
Mostly I just love him for who he is. He's silly & smart & sweet to his baby brother & I'm happy he's all mine! :o)