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Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Tire Alarms

Sully Ate My Blog

So, I don't even know where to start.

I guess I'll start with saying sorry.


I never intended to abandon this blog. It just happened. We moved the computer into the master bedroom. In the master bedroom is where Sullivan usually ends up during the night. My best times to blog are after the boys are in bed or before they get up. Having Sullivan sleep with me really cramps my style! I feel like a prisoner in my own bed sometimes. Seriously, with Mike sleeping on the couch downstairs and Sullivan (and sometimes Keaton, too) sleeping with me in bed, I feel stuck in bed until someone wakes up.


Sully has slept all night in his own bed, top bunk, four times in the past month. This may not sound like much to the uninitiated but it is HUGE. Huge, I tell ya. I am shocked and thrilled and amazed and disbelieving when I wake up to find no Sully in my bed. We started giving him Monopoly dollars to sleep in his own room, as well as to do a few chores and things. He is sorta into it-- says he wants to buy Buzz Lightyear-- but on the bad nights he'll say "I don't want Buzz. I don't need any money. I want to sleep with Mama!!"

Too bad Sullivan doesn't know the value of a dollar because Mike gives him ten bucks (Monopoly money) when he stays in his own bed all night.

On a side note: Why can't Mike pay me to sleep in my own bed? I'm the only one in the friggin' house who sleeps in my very own designated bedroom, in my very own designated bed, on my very own designated side, every single night. Everyone else around here sleep like gypsies. Or frat boys.

I'd be rich!! ;o)

So, we moved the computer and I stopped using it. I cannot blog from my iPhone (possibly the technology exists but my eyesight doesn't exist) which is mostly where I am on the Internet.

I guess my excuse is this: Sully ate my blog.

But, I'm going to try to be more consistent. I know I have vast numbers of readers (five?? at most six...) and I don't want you to think I don't care about you. I do. I know you want, NEED, to see random photos of the Moore boys and the Moore kitties and read random tidbits from our lives. I know this. I know we're an exciting bunch.

Unfortunately, we're an exciting bunch that frequently rearrange our furniture and electronics locations.

We're absolutely a work in progress, you know.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Coming Soon....

...actual updates from me!

...but not yet. I worked all weekend and am exhausted. Soon....soon....I promise.