In this photo the photographer, a friend LN (Ellen...with a cool spelling...) that went with me for my senior photos, and I were trying to recreate my mom's senior portrait. What looks to be a strapless dress in this photo is nothing more than a piece of black velvet that was safety-pinned in the middle to gather the fabric, and then draped over my shoulders. I think LN was standing behind me holding the fabric together. :o)
Oh! I just realized that LN would be Sullivan's most favorite person on the planet right now...a totally phonetic spelling...right up his alphabet-loving alley! ;o)
LN and I showed up for the shoot with tie-dye t-shirts on (that we made ourselves, of course!) for our pictures that we took together. Somewhere in my stuff I must have some copies of the pics we took together. Mom? Do you have that portfolio thingy? Anyhoo, I brought a green sweater with me but nothing really "nice" so the photographer suggested this photo.

Beautiful shoulders!
LOVE the hair!! You do have nice shoulders.
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