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Friday, April 29, 2011

Snazzy Outfits

Question: How do you get two boys, with the cumulative age of 11, to hold still and pose together for a photo?

Answer: You don't.

You just deal with what you get. Keaton had his first singing concert last night at his school. His school has three first grade classes (two English only and two dual language classes) and they all sang together. It was really cute. I've tried uploading a video but I can't seem to do so from my MacBook. Boo!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Soccer, Once Again

It's soccer time again in the Moore household. Keats is playing for his fourth season with Keizer Soccer Club on the team Liverpool. He has two other players (plus the coach) that have been with him all four seasons: Reid and Leo. Three other players, Zanden, Matthew, and Gray (Grayson) are on their third season with Liverpool. There are also two new players, Ben (who has played on other teams since age three) and Patrick (his very first time playing soccer).

Reid is the coach's son and he chose their shirt color this season: white. Again. Lol. Last time they had blue/black around the neck and arms while this time they are solid white, so a slight change. Hopefully we get a color that is easier to clean next time!

Above: going for the goal
Below: glowing with pride after making the shot

Getting ready to try out being the Keeper. He did a pretty good job!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Gorgeous Day For A Bike Ride

We had 27 days, in a row, with measurable rain in March. March definitely went out like a was a very nice evening last night. April came in like a gorgeous, sunny, makes-the-rainy-days-worthwhile, blue sky, finally feel like skipping while you walk, kind of day.

I took Sullivan to the Capital Mall to ride his bike. The cherry blossoms are awesome right now so I thought we should see the blooms before they fly away. Unfortunately, I didn't bring my "good" camera and had to make do with a crappy little Kodak thing. I played around with the photo editor on my MacBook and (hopefully) made everything viewable, one way or another.

He looks like he's up to something, huh?

Sully loves his new bike! Since he got it from Santa and it has pretty much rained since December 26th, he hasn't had a whole lot of practice on it but he does great! Here he is in front of the fountain sculpture with the Capital building in the background.

The above shot was actually taken last night but it was cute enough to let it sneak in here.

I have a "cartoon" camera option on my iPhone. Here's what the Capital building would look like if it had it's own animated TV series. ;o)